Friday, April 10, 2009

Putnam Examination

I just received my score back from the Putnam exam. I got 48 out of 120 points, or which is rank 145.5 (the half is due to ties) out of 3627 participants.


Nanette Goodman said...

Congratulations on the great score. That's even better than you did last time right?! Don't forget to add it to your resume.

Dan Mont said...

Congrats! Can you still take it as a graduate student, or is it only for undergraduates.

How did the University of Maryland do?

Any more stories about your job at the Census Bureau?

Alexander Mont said...

It's only for undergraduates.

It looks like they only release the team rankings for the top five teams, and University of Maryland was not one of them.

I'll get to my next post on the Census Bureau soon.